- Find out if database is in archive mode
- Increase the size of log files dynamically
- Are my log files multiplexed
- Get size, filename and groups information about the log file
- Under what conditions does LGWR get trigged
- Find out if database is in archive mode
To check if database is in archive mode:
SQL> archive log list
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination /oracle11gR2/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/arch
Oldest online log sequence 451
Current log sequence 452
- Increase the size of log files
Create two additional groups with desired size.
alter database add logfile group 3 ('+LOG1/log_1_8') size 10000M
alter database add logfile group 4 ('+LOG2/log_1_9') size 10000M
Find out the status of all groups and drop the old inactive group
select group#,thread#,status from v$log ;
alter database drop logfile group 2
Switch the logfile so you can drop the old active group as well
alter system switch logfile ;
alter database drop logfile group 1 ;
- Get size, filename and groups information about the log file
SQL> select group#,thread#,bytes/(1024*1024) , blocksize ,members from v$log ;
Find out the filenames and the group to which they belong:
sql>select group#,member,status from v$logfile;
- Are my log files multiplexed
IIssue the following commnd to find out how many groups you have. The output shows I have two groups and each group has one member ...Hence multiplexing is enabled.
SQL> select group#,member from v$logfile ;
1 +TPCC1/log_1_1
2 +TPCC1/log_1_2
- Under what conditions does LGWR gets triggered
When a transaction is committed, info in the redo log buffer is written to a Redo Log File. In addition to this, the following conditions will trigger LGWR to write the contents of the log buffer to disk:
- Whenever the log buffer is MIN(1/3 full, 1 MB) full; or
- Every 3 seconds; or
- When a DBWn process writes modified buffers to disk (checkpoint).