- rac1Pool
- rac2Pool
- rac3Pool
You want to run four Oracle database instances in each of these three pools and in the global pset.
You can do so by creating 3 additional oracle users namely oracle_2, oracle_3 and oracle_4. All these users should have the same group as oracle user and different (distinct) home directory . Also, ensure that Oracle user home directory has group write permission. The command to create additional users is as under:
- useradd -g oinstall -G dba -u 202 oracle_2
- useradd -g oinstall -G dba -u 203 oracle_3
- useradd -g oinstall -G dba -u 204 oracle_4
Next, create three projects with following pool and user association:
rac1Project ---> rac1Pool---->oracle
You can create the above mentioned associated by issuing the following command:
1)Create a project , associate it with right user and pool:
- projadd -U oracle -p 400 -K project.pool=rac1Pool rac1Project
- projadd -U oracle_2 -p 402 -K project.pool=rac2Pool rac2Project
- projadd -U oracle_3 -p 403 -K project.pool=rac3Pool rac3Project
2)Associate the user with right project
edit /etc/user_attr and add the following line
- oracle::::project=rac1project (add four colons after oracle)
- orace_2::::project=rac2Project
- oracle_3::::project=rac3Project
3) Re-login as the use and verify that it is associated with right project
- id -p