- Create a vnic named public1
dladm create-vnic public1 -l net0
- Create a zone.template file as under:
create -b
set zonepath=/oraclePool/zones/test
set limitpriv=default,proc_priocntl
set max-shm-memory=50G
add net
set physical=public1
- Generate sysconfig.xml file for initial zone configuration
There are two ways to generate the sysconfig.xml file
- Generate it from scratch by issuing the following command
sysconfig create-profile -o sysconfig.xml
- Update the hostname by searching system/identity and ip address by searching network/install on an existing sysconfig.xml file
A typical sysconfig.xml file is as under:
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">
<service_bundle type="profile" name="sysconfig">
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/config-user">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="application" name="root_account">
<propval type="astring" name="login" value="root"/>
<propval type="astring" name="password" value="$5$Px97tHB0$X3mcS7MybV7fk
<propval type="astring" name="type" value="normal"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/timezone">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="application" name="timezone">
<propval type="astring" name="localtime" value="US/Eastern"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/environment">
<instance enabled="true" name="init">
<property_group type="application" name="environment">
<propval type="astring" name="LANG" value="en_US.UTF-8"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/identity">
<instance enabled="true" name="node">
<property_group type="application" name="config">
<propval type="astring" name="nodename" value="dat-zone1"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/keymap">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="system" name="keymap">
<propval type="astring" name="layout" value="US-English"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/console-login">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="application" name="ttymon">
<propval type="astring" name="terminal_type" value="vt100"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="network/physical">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="application" name="netcfg">
<propval type="astring" name="active_ncp" value="DefaultFixed"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="network/install">
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<property_group type="application" name="install_ipv4_interface">
<propval type="astring" name="address_type" value="static"/>
<propval type="net_address_v4" name="static_address" value=""/>
<propval type="astring" name="name" value="public1/v4"/>
<propval type="net_address_v4" name="default_route" value=""/>
<property_group type="application" name="install_ipv6_interface">
<propval type="astring" name="stateful" value="yes"/>
<propval type="astring" name="stateless" value="yes"/>
<propval type="astring" name="address_type" value="addrconf"/>
<propval type="astring" name="name" value="public1/v6"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/name-service/switch">
<property_group type="application" name="config">
<propval type="astring" name="default" value="files"/>
<propval type="astring" name="host" value="files dns"/>
<propval type="astring" name="printer" value="user files"/>
<instance enabled="true" name="default"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="system/name-service/cache">
<instance enabled="true" name="default"/>
<service version="1" type="service" name="network/dns/client">
<property_group type="application" name="config">
<property type="net_address" name="nameserver">
<value_node value=""/>
<value_node value=""/>
<value_node value=""/>
<property type="astring" name="search">
<value_node value="us.oracle.com oraclecorp.com oracle.com"/>
<instance enabled="true" name="default"/>
- Execute the following script to configure, install and boot the zone
echo "zone template : ${zoneTemplate}
echo "Configuring the zone :${zoneName}
zonecfg -z ${zoneName} -f ${zoneTemplate}
echo "Verify that zone ${zoneName} has been configured"
zoneadm list -icv | grep ${zoneName}
echo " Install the zone : ${zoneName}"
zoneadm -z ${zoneName} install -c /tmp/sysconfig.xml
echo "Verify that zone ${zoneName} has been installed"
zoneadm list -icv | grep ${zoneName}
echo "Wait for a minute before booting the zone"
sleep 60
echo "Boot the zone : ${zoneName} "
zoneadm -z ${zoneName} boot
echo "Verify that zone ${zoneName} is running"
zoneadm list -icv | grep ${zoneName}
- Verify if the smf services are up and running on the zone:
Issue : zlogin test ; svcs
If the smf services are not up, login to console for a couple of minutes and check again
zlogin -C test
- Verify that zone is up and running
ping <zone-hostname> from global zone
ping <global-hostname> from local zone
Verify network is configured correctly in the local zone
zlogin test
root@dat-zone1:~# dladm show-physroot@dat-zone1:~# dladm show-vnic
public1 ? 1000 2:8:20:af:91:c8 random 0root@dat-zone1:~# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4 static ok
public1/v4 static ok
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
public1/v6 addrconf ok fe80::8:20ff:feaf:91c8/10root@dat-zone1:~#
Add asm disk and the directory where the Oracle bits are available to zone and reboot the zone.
Create a file named addtoZone.template
add device
set match=/dev/rdsk/c2t8d3s2
set allow-partition=true
set allow-raw-io=true
add fs
set dir=/installer
set special=/installer
set type=lofs
Reconfigure and reboot the zone
zonecfg -z test -f addtoZone.template
zonecfg -z test reboot
Log on to test container and execute the following script:
groupadd -g 201 dba
groupadd -g 200 oinstall
useradd -g oinstall -G dba -u 200 oracle
mkdir /export/home/oracle
chown -R oracle:oinstall /export/home/oracle
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
chmod -R 775 /u01
echo "Enter password for Oracle"
passwd oracle
pkg install SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWpool SUNWsprot SUNWtoo SUNWuiu8 SUNWfont-xorg-core SUNWfont-xorg-iso8859-1 SUNWmfrun SUNWxorg-client-programs SUNWxorg-clientlibs SUNWxwfsw pkg://solaris/SUNWxwplt
chown oracle:oinstall ${asmDisk}
chmod 660 ${asmDisk}
Invoke grid installer and db installer to install ASM and Oracle DB.